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Register your child

In order to become a member of our academy, the parent/legal representative of the minor athlete must fill out the form and agree to the provisions mentioned below.

Personal details

Please enter parent's full name as it appears on your ID.

Please enter child's full name as it appears on their ID.

Please enter your telephone number with the country code (e.g. +41 or +40).

Additional information

Available sizes are between 122cm-170cm and XS-3XL.

Scope of service

Terms and conditions

Please that the data you have provided is accurate and you agree to be processed.

Please confirm the information that this is a paid service.

Please confirm the statement on child's health.

Please confirm the statement on internal regulations.

By becoming a member of Ayhan Emilianof Basketball Academy the parent/the legal representative of the child agree that the group/individual image of their child when they participate in trainings, camps, competitions or other activities organized or attended by the Ayhan Emilianof Basketball Academy, to be published on the AEBA social media pages, the official website or televised with the purpose of advertising or informing the public. Also understands and agrees that the image can circulate online up to three years after no longer being a member of our academy.

General information

Becoming a member

In order to complete the Ayhan Emilianof Basketball Academy registration process all the information below must be filled in correctly and the entry fee as well as the monthly membership fee must be paid.

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